(850) 842.2424


Depression can manifest physically, through headaches, excessive or disrupted sleep, motor control difficulty and stomach pains. Though the cause of depression is unknown, a predisposition for it runs in families and it can be triggered by trauma and adverse life circumstances.

Depression can slow you down both mentally and physically. If you’re experiencing a lack of energy, happiness, hope and motivation, now is the time to seek professional help with Krueger Wellness Institute. Getting help through therapy sessions and dietician experts can help you get back on the road of feeling like you again. In recent years, out of 17.3 million adults in the United States, 7.1% have experienced major depression in the past year.

In severe cases, a person can experience thoughts of harming themselves or suicide. When these types of symptoms begin to interfere with a person’s life or cause safety or health or concerns, seeking professional help from Krueger Wellness Institute is highly recommended.

Common Symptoms of Depression

PHYSICAL: Change in sleeping patterns, falling asleep frequently throughout the day, change in appetite (increased or decreased), decreased energy, fatigue, difficulty with concentration and focus of hobbies, school or work.
COGNITIVE: Loss of motivation, hopelessness, rumination, thoughts of harming oneself, in severe cases: suicidal thoughts.
EMOTIONAL: Anger, discontent, loss of interest, boredom/apathy, irritability, anxiety, loss of interest.
BEHAVIORAL: Avoiding stressful situation, inactivity, social withdrawal, increased substance use/abuse, self-harm, suicide attempts.

You Can Increase Your Self-Worth

At Krueger Wellness Institute in Niceville, our mental health therapists can help you overcome depression. Please call us at (850) 842-2424 for individual, child, or couples therapy consultation today.

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