(850) 842.2424

What to Expect from Your Therapist

We take a personable, collaborative, and compassionate approach to therapy treatment. Therapy has been shown to have benefits for individuals who undertake it. Therapy often leads to a significant reduction in feelings of distress, increased satisfaction in interpersonal relationships, greater personal awareness and insight, increased skills for managing stress, and resolutions to specific problems.

Therapy has both benefits and risks. There is no guarantee of results in therapy and, as a matter of fact, it is illegal in the state of Florida to guarantee results. As you begin treatment it is important to know that the process can initially evoke strong feelings and sometimes produce unanticipated changes in one’s behavior, thoughts, and feelings to include but not limited to sadness, guilt, anxiety, anger, frustration, loneliness and helplessness. This increase in negative symptoms is usually due to visiting unpleasant areas of your past or current life. It is helpful to discuss any questions or discomfort you may experience during treatment.

Therapy requires a very active effort on your part. In order to be most successful, you will need to attend your scheduled appointments, actively participate in treatment sessions, and work on things we discuss outside of session.

The first 2-3 sessions will involve a comprehensive evaluation of your needs. By the end of the evaluation, I will be able to offer some initial impressions of what our work might include. At that point, we will discuss your treatment goals and create an initial treatment plan. You should evaluate this information and make your own assessment about whether you feel comfortable working with your assigned provider. If you have questions about procedures, you should discuss them with your provider whenever they arise. If your doubts persist, we will be happy to help you set up a meeting with another mental health professional for a second opinion.

Krueger Wellness Institute staff and affiliated staff do not provide emergency response. Emergencies are urgent issues requiring your immediate action. If you are experiencing a psychiatric crisis please contact 911 or go to your nearest hospital emergency room.

Bottom-line is that we strive for you to:

  • Help you heal, reduce daily stress, and find hope in the future.
  • Find healing through creating a safe, confidential, and accepting environment.
  • Work collaboratively in creating a treatment plan with your individualized goals.
  • Create your own pace in treatment.
  • Build Trust.
  • Feel free to give open and honest feedback to your provider at all times.

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